Upstairs Gallery: Rafael Delacruz: “Turmoil In My Toybox at Toybox Inc.” with Toybox Inc. featuring Quintessa Matranga and Last Renaissance

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Rafael Delacruz: Turmoil In My Toybox at Toybox Inc.
with Toybox Inc. featuring Quintessa Matranga and Last Renaissance November 13, 2016 – January 8, 2017
Opening Reception: Sunday, November 13, 2016, 6 – 8 pm

Turmoil In My Toybox at Toybox Inc., weaves together Rafael Delacruz’s painting on paper, collage and video. Originally conceived as a show for Toybox Inc. a mythological project space in the artist’s home, this show includes works from Delacruz’s peers and collaborators (Last Renaissance and Quintessa Matranga) as well as new work designed specifically with this show in mind.

Expanding upon themes from Delacruz’s recent show at The Middler, Ghost 2 Phantom Star 1, Delacruz’s video, painting, and sculpture practice engage a narrative drawn from a Mexican folktale; La Mano Peluda (or "The Hairy Hand"). As the tale goes, The Hairy Hand used to belong to a man who was killed during the inquisition, then chopped up and buried in an old Native Indian cemetery. His hand is said to have come back to life to seek revenge on his enemies while they slept.

This exhibition highlights a character who represents the second, possessed hairy-half of the character from Ghost 2 Phantom Star 1. Motifs of humor, sadness, transformation, and isolation unite this new body of work.

Rafael Delacruz Interview
This interview took place on October 28, 2016 at Rafael Delacruz and Quintessa Matranga's studio/laundry room.

Trevor Shimizu
Thanks for having me over. This is a nice space.
Rafael Delacruz
Thanks for finally coming out and taking the long trek.
Trevor Shimizu
(Reading CV) So you studied film in San Francisco?
Rafael Delacruz
Yeah it was nice, I copied my cousin David who went there for film. I met my best friend Ian Maberley there and Chester (who claimed to draw for Marvel comics, but got kicked off for being too crazy.)
Trevor Shimizu
Oh, what did he do?
Rafael Delacruz
He said he was a norteño so his gang politics were entering his work production and I guess Marvel didn’t like that. He also said that ex-norteño’s or ex gang members are called “chesters”.
Trevor Shimizu
I also studied film and lived in the Bay Area. What's the craziest thing you ever saw there?
Rafael Delacruz
I really liked going to certain toystores and finding obscure figurines or hand made dolls. I met one of my favorite artists at Urban Ore in Berkeley, but didn't know anything about their practice until years later.
Trevor Shimizu
This one time, I was just walking down the street when a bum called me a chink faced rat fuck! So who is your favorite artist? The one you met at Urban Ore.
Rafael Delacruz
I used to go to “curry without worry” at civic center bart - free curry and cookies.
I was with my friend Alex Moquist and we met Lutz Bacher they were buying some old dragon paper mache masks or at least checking them out. They went by another name though.
Trevor Shimizu
What do you like about this work?
Rafael Delacruz
I like the characters they use - especially the life size ones.
Trevor Shimizu
Did you make a thesis film?
Rafael Delacruz
I received a mini grant, but never ended up completing my documentary. I used it to pay rent, eat out, and pay friends for helping me research.
Trevor Shimizu
If you were given a decent budget, what film would you make?
Rafael Delacruz
I would like to make a music video or a movie about people having dinner.
Trevor Shimizu
Like My Dinner With André?
Rafael Delacruz
Maybe - I do really like that movie. Or about young professionals eating spaghetti at a dinner party with a scary turbulent p.o.v angle.
Trevor Shimizu
So were you making paintings, drawings, before going to film school? What made you stop pursuing a career in film?
Rafael Delacruz
I wasn’t painting when I was in film school, I didn’t know any painters besides my uncle who could only paint Batman. I guess I was never pursuing a career in film I just really liked watching movies.
Trevor Shimizu
Quintessa told me a funny story from around the time you two started dating. How did that go again?
Quintessa Matranga
Rafael would come into my work and hang out - so my boss made up a rumor that his smelly feet were disturbing the customers away.
Trevor Shimizu Haha.
Rafael Delacruz
Trevor Shimizu
This is a little personal, but are you two planning on getting married?
Rafael Delacruz Quintessa Matranga
Trevor Shimizu
Weddings can be really fun. Ok, is there anything else you'd like to say?

Rafael Delacruz
Trevor Shimizu
Well actually, maybe we should talk a little about the work in your show. Maybe you could describe 2 or 3 of the works you're planning on showing. (Pointing at the wall) How about this one? What is this one?
Rafael Delacruz
This one is a split-mobb - the other half of Nebu and her hairy arm. I guess Nebu is now in post- possession in this piece, but exaggerated. She's wearing her favorite outfit and cap - ascending from the landscape.
Trevor Shimizu
Sounds good. Thanks Rafael.


Rafael Delacruz (b. 1989, San Francisco) is a New York-based artist who has participated in recent solo and two-person exhibitions (with artist Quintessa Matranga) at The Middler (New York), Kimberly Klark (New York), Et Al (San Francisco, CA), and Rope (Baltimore, MD), along with group shows at Bebi Space (Antwerp, Belgium), Levy Delval (Brussels, Belgium), Gertrude Contemporary (Melbourne, Australia), and Charlie James Gallery (Los Angeles, CA). Delacruz holds a BFA in Film Theory from San Francisco State University.
