Upstairs Gallery: Condo New York hosting Cooper Cole, Toronto and Night Gallery, Los Angeles

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The second iteration of Condo New York, a collaborative exhibition by 47 galleries across 21 New York spaces, will take place from June 29 – August 3, 2018. In 2016, Vanessa Carlos (Carlos/Ishikawa) founded Condo London as a way to offer international galleries a site for creative collaboration and exchange. It has since expanded to New York, Mexico City, São Paulo, and Shanghai. This year’s New York participants include galleries from across the world, from as far as Auckland, Dubai, Kolkata, and Pristina.

New York galleries, now including uptown locations, will host a visiting gallery (or galleries) by either co-curating an exhibition together or dividing the host gallery into different exhibition spaces. Condo arose from a reevaluation of existing exhibition models, a desire to pool resources and act communally, and the need to activate the gallery space in a different manner. Through this partnership, Condo offers a more generous and encouraging environment for the global presentation of experimental exhibitions.
