Frieze New York: Joanne Greenbaum

May 4 - 7, 2017 
Booth A20 May 4 – 7



Rachel Uffner Gallery is proud to present a solo booth of new work by New York-based artist, Joanne Greenbaum, at Frieze New York from May 4 – 7, 2017. The booth will exhibit the full range of Greenbaum’s practice, uniting large-scale paintings with drawings, sculptures, and artist books.

Expanding upon a Modernist study of color and structure, Greenbaum’s unique form of mark making creates narrative abstractions in which the artist’s handwriting is ever visible. What was always a private practice of creating work on a multitude of surfaces, including show invitations, sketchbooks, and ceramics, has recently become an important part of the artist’s public exhibitions. The decision to show these multi-media works in conversation with one another speaks to each unique practice being a directly connected extension of the other.

Greenbaum’s non-hierarchical handling of materials, such as marker, ballpoint pen, crayons, oil paint, and gouache, is utilized on all of these surfaces, including on porcelain sculptures. Her free use of paint and varied instruments of impression leaps off of one plane, bringing her marks into three-dimensional space through ceramics manipulated with a hand-glazing technique. This performance with materials is evident in the frenetic, yet calming motions repeated in the drawings, artist books, and spontaneously splashed canvases, each page and painting a process-based engagement with abstraction. A palpable energy courses through the work, soothing a seeming dichotomy between structure and gesture. 

We are honored to present Greenbaum’s exceptional work at Frieze New York, 2017, reflecting her continued pursuit of the questions and possibilities in abstraction.


  • Rachel Uffner Gallery at Freize New York 2017

    Joanne Greenbaum

    Rachel Uffner Gallery is proud to present a solo booth of new work by New York-based artist, Joanne Greenbaum, at Frieze New York from May 4 – 7, 2017. The booth will exhibit the full range of Greenbaum’s practice, uniting large-scale paintings with drawings, sculptures, and artist books.

    Expanding upon a Modernist study of color and structure, Greenbaum’s unique form of mark making creates narrative abstractions in which the artist’s handwriting is ever visible. What was always a private practice of creating work on a multitude of surfaces, including show invitations, sketchbooks, and ceramics, has recently become an important part of the artist’s public exhibitions. The decision to show these multi-media works in conversation with one another speaks to each unique practice being a directly connected extension of the other.

    Greenbaum’s non-hierarchical handling of materials, such as marker, ballpoint pen, crayons, oil paint, and gouache, is utilized on all of these surfaces, including on porcelain sculptures. Her free use of paint and varied instruments of impression leaps off of one plane, bringing her marks into three-dimensional space through ceramics manipulated with a hand-glazing technique. This performance with materials is evident in the frenetic, yet calming motions repeated in the drawings, artist books, and spontaneously splashed canvases, each page and painting a process-based engagement with abstraction. A palpable energy courses through the work, soothing a seeming dichotomy between structure and gesture.

    We are honored to present Greenbaum’s exceptional work at Frieze New York, 2017, reflecting her continued pursuit of the questions and possibilities in abstraction.

    Joanne Greenbaum has participated in numerous exhibitions in the United States and Europe. Recent solo exhibitions include Van Horn (Düsseldorf, DE), greengrassi (London, UK), Richard Telles Fine Art (Los Angeles, CA), Texas Gallery (Houston, TX), Galerie Crone (Berlin, DE), Nicolas Krupp (Basel, CH), Shane Campbell Gallery (Chicago, IL), and the Nerman Museum of Contemporary Art (Overland Park, KS).In 2008-2009 a career-spanning survey of her work was exhibited by Haus Konstruktiv (Zurich, CH) and traveled to Museum Abteiberg (Mönchengladbach, DE). Greenbaum lives and works in New York City.